Monday, September 30, 2013

White paper workbook, white paper templates

White paper workbook, white paper templates

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the white paper workbook is an effective marketing tool for your business. It s a do-it-yourself kit for white papers. The workbook includes white paper templates to help you write persuasive white papers that influence readers and motivates them to take action. With the white paper workbook, you can write white papers that contain the right content to motivate readers and entice them to ask for more, thus resulting in more sales leads for your business.

with the right, persuasive content in your white paper, you can motivate readers to ask for more a demo, a free trial, a presentation or just more detailed information on your solution. Besides generating qualified sales leads, the technique in our white paper templates, also helps you get a foot in the customer s door.

white papers have been overused and mis-used so much, that readers often mistake white papers for a sales pitch. A white paper is not a sales brochure. It s a document that educates (not sells). The purpose of a white paper is to educate readers on how to solve their business problems. It s objective is to generate curiosity (resulting in sales lead). Given this purpose and audience, white papers need to follow a specific tone and style of writing. Often, white paper writers tend to use adjectives and sales statements in a white paper. This not only erodes the quality of the white paper, but also makes it look like a sales brochure. A white paper needs to be informative and persuasive. It s a document that describes a business problem and the solution to the problem. With the white paper workbook, you can write white papers that persuasive and just right for your business/marketing situation.

a good, well-written white paper can help you achieve competitive differentiation. While educating readers and helping them get insight into their business problems and possible solutions, you can, through a white paper, subtly propagate your company s message and build rapport with your cus…read more detail

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