Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Get industrial strength grip volume 2!

Get industrial strength grip volume 2!

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if you are fed up with missing lifts and cutting sets short due to a slipping grip, keep reading. If you want to shatter personal records of all kinds , grab hold of this information. The strongmen of yore held the secret weapon of strength in their big, meaty paws.

andy bolton, the first man to deadlift over 1,000 pounds, credits two of the exercises in this very program as the ones that have enabled a dream like a 1,008-pound deadlift to become a reality.

can you honestly say that grip is not a limiting factor for you? let s be honest, it probably is . While you diligently train your heart, lung, chest and legs, you only think you train your arms. Sure, you do biceps curls and triceps extensions you might even add in wrist curls but you are still missing 90 percent of the lifts that will make you better.

inches of dense muscle tissue. Hundreds of total pounds subtracted off of lifts. A higher risk of injury to elbows, wrists, and fingers, and for many, the shame of a weak, bony handshake.

over the years, i have trained thousands of people to develop stronger, healthier hands: bodybuilders, powerlifters, weightlifters, mixed martial artists, rock climbers, hockey players, musicians; the list goes on and on. Every time i share the missing link of grip strength with someone, his or her performance improves. What does that mean? it means i can help you realize your potential

it’s a lot easier to reach a destination when the person giving you directions has been where you want to go.

want powerful hands? i am the one to teach you. There was a time when garage lifters, athletes, and coaches thought it was enough grip training to do deadlifts, pull-ups and rows. Now, the best trainers in the world have learned that specific grip training is absolutely necessary to unleash all the physical capacity a person has. The grip simply isn’t trained enough when only trained generally.

i have dedicated over a decade of my training t…read more detail

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