Wednesday, September 25, 2013

The perfect affirmation

The perfect affirmation

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from: the desk of matt sison. Date : july 15th, 2012 subject: release what s been blocking you with concepts and methods that work

i’m known as the go to guy when people have no-where to turn and i’m here to help you find your way out. Let me let you in on a little secret. The self-help gurus out there are trying to tell you that you have to positive think your way out of your negative feelings or that you simply have to “vibrate” with what you want in order to get what you want. They will tell you to imagine driving your ferrari down pacific coast highway while you focus on bringing up the excitement for it. Well, how’s that working for you? i bet, not so great. Why? because you can’t force the universe to give you what you want. You have to work with its natural laws. If you try and force the universe to do anything, it will laugh at your effort. Please understand, there is a perfect system in order and you can’t try and shortcut your way through the system, but you can use it to your advantage besides, if you’re honest with yourself, how long can you hold onto excitement? not long enough ok, let me break this down for you. Let’s take a look at what fear does to the body it increases heart rate, blood pressure and releases adrenalin. Now, let’s look at what excitement does to the body it increases heart rate, blood pressure, and releases adrenalin. The exact same exact thing fear does it pulls you and your body out of balance and if you’re out of balance long enough, you will start to feel not so good. And when you feel not so good, your thoughts also are not so good. This is why you can’t hold on to the vibration of what you want by trying to force excitement for it. Trying to force excitement pulls you out of balance see, you weren’t meant to stay on either side of these emotions for too long. They are only guides to help you decide what you truly want for your life. If you trie…read more detail

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