Saturday, July 27, 2013

Bank on Betting

Bank on BettingClick Image To Visit Site What if I could show you exactly how to make over £1350 by the end of racing today.

What if I could explain how you can make over £780,000 this year by using an angled attack on specific odds targeting that has been undiscovered up to this moment.

What if I told you that I, Vincent Matteus, holds the code to breaking the online betting industry and I am going to reveal my secret to you.

You see, I have constantly been making profit in my Online Betting accounts for months on end now and it is blowing the minds of the corporate betting giants.

Now then, let me first thank you for heading over to my page. Here I am going to guide you through all of the details that you require to become fully confident and trusting in Bank On Betting.

My name is Vincent Matteus and I was one of the most senior analysts at one of the largest online bookmakers in the UK.

I had worked for the organisation for many years and I was employed to counteract the latest intelligent and sophisticated betting systems that are adopted by many professional punters.

The role was interesting yet stressful at times and I had a nice life making bucket loads of money by making the company millions of pounds year after year.

It was after years and years of going through this stressful, head banging, coffee drinking and aspirin popping monotonous routine that I had to make some changes to my life.

I had lots of money, a great apartment, nice car but this just wasn’t the lifestyle for me.

My Name is Vincent Matteus, I know the name doesn’t give it away but I am from the UK and have lived in London for over 20 years working in the Hammersmith area.

I understand that there are people out there that have no job at all and trust me when I say I was grateful.

The thing was that I knew there was more to life than working day in day out just trying to get through the day.

After joining the organisation, I had been working 14 hour days, sometimes six days a week, with me trying to develop models and trigger the hidden code of the betting markets in order to maintain the companies defence to professional punters, who are actively searching how to beat the bookmaker’s odds sequences.

Experimenting with complex trend indicators, I worked in conjunction other analysts to design the perfect ‘trend-spotting’ defence system.

One particular model I designed proved wildly successful both in theory and practise.

It works by combining multiple trend indicators in a unique mathematical formula to identify upward and downward price movements within the odds functions.

Let me carry on by telling you that this was big news within the city and within the betting community.

During the world financial crisis I was seeing millions people around the world being thrown out of work, losing… Read more…

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